Your Valuable Vote Can Change Everything
Upcoming 44th Congressional Election
For my vote!
What have you done?
Let’s take a look
Short Videos 1-6

I’m Morris Griffin a candidate for California’s 44th United States Congressional District. I’m a Liberal/Conservative Problem-Solving Democrat.
If elected my goal and objective will be to resolve the problems in the cities I serve. My goal is to restore life along the Alameda Corridor by revitializing some factory buildings; with Manufacturing and clean energy livable wage middle class jobs. With our California State Lotto money. This is new money and it comes in everyday, and month of every year.
I would do my best to convince you, the people, and employers in all districts that its time we vote to redirect a percentage of Powerball, Super Lotto, and Mega Lotto on a State Ballot Measure. That’s our money that will help our economy and ourselves, plus you know Lotto money, it does not go to our schools. Every year California has a new school ballot measure in every general election since the 80’s. Please Note! My Lotto proposal is not Socialism, in fact its Capitalism at its best, designed to serve the people and the sky won’t be the limit once it’s implemented.
Our children need money when they graduate from school; with livable wage jobs. It’s time we change our ways to provide a pathway to a prominent future with untapped Lotto money; new money, big money.

A percentage of the Jackpot winners; other half money will go towards existing employee jobs; such as 7-11 Stores, Jack in the Box, El Pollo Loco, Carl’s Jr., Burger King, Mc Donald’s, Mom and Pop Stores, All Restaurants, Car dealerships, Apparel stores, downtown LA, etc. for salary wage increases $15-20 dollars an hour after taxes is taken out. My goal and objective is to supplement incomes to the existing salaries. By giving the above employers of the above name businesses a way to supplement employees for future raises forever.
Whether I'm elected or not I will need your financial donation not only for my future Congressional Campaign Race in the future but we will need financial help to advertise on radio stations, TV Stations, Newspapers, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. At least a month and a half before the next California Election. So spread the word, what you heard!
Who distributes the Lotto money to the businesses?
The California State Controllers Office will be required (responsible) to (hold back a percentage) of the (other half) Lotto money for one year. From the Jackpot winners, money to
- Powerball
- Super Lotto
- Mega Lotto winners money. To build up or compile that money for employees who will participate. Every Employer will be required to give their (FICA) Bank Account number to their bank for the State Controllers Office to put money into the employers account based on the number of employees they hired.
For more information; regarding my solutions to Issues. Please check out the other prongs
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Each one; should teach one! So spread the word; what you heard!
Thank you in advance
A Candidate for the 44th Congressional District
Morris Griffin (aka) Big Money Griff
The Problem Solver! Age 70