My Childhood
I was born in Newark, New Jersey, 1950, in a broken home. Having experienced child abuse in welfare homes, I became the first to go to college under social services in New Jersey, 1969. My mother could not afford to provide a home for me, so I became a welfare recipient child. I'll never forget the day I was placed into a foster care home in East Orange, New Jersey. The female foster parent was lying in her bed with snuff in her mouth and said to me "I don't want a tall boy, I want a short boy." So the welfare social services put me in a home for menace boys in Jamesburg, Virginia, at the age of 11. Until arrangements were finalized with my grandmother and the welfare social services. I was in my grandmothers custody from age 12 -18 living in Englewood, New Jersey. Thanks to my father who chest ties me, one time when I got out of hand with my grandmother during those years.
History & Educational Background
Graduated from Dwight Morrow High School, Englewood, New Jersey, 1969 with Basketball Scholarship Offers from Yakima Valley Jr. College and other East Coast Colleges.
Graduated from Yakima Valley College, Yakima, Washington, 1972, where I scored 2,000 Points within two Basketball Seasons of 38 games. On a full Basketball Scholarship.
Graduated from Washington State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree, Pullman, Washington, with a full Basketball Scholarship. I was the 3rd Black African American Player to start for Washington States’ Basketball Team.

I came to L.A., California from an invite by the Assistant Coach of the L.A. Lakers, who was fired that Summer 1978 Season. After getting prior tryouts with the NBA Portland Trail Blazers, and the Seattle Super Sonics Basketball Teams, Coach Jerry West told me after my tryout with the Lakers, his hands were tied, because the Lakers had all No Cut Contract Players.
After I saw the Rodney King Beating, I put down the basketball and got involved as a Community Activist Leader and Problem Solver.
It was then I decided to make Westchester and Inglewood, my home here in Los Angeles at the ripe age of 28. All, my adult life for the past 50 years, has been here in Los Angeles, and not one of our past or present elected officials or organizations have groomed me for what I’ve become, a Servant and Protector for all People.
Year 1995 I Demanded Two Changes In Police Policy.
#1. I Convinced the LAPD To Ban All Long Handle Metal Flashlights.
#2. And No Longer Can They Use Cars As A Deadly Weapon For An Excuse In Shooting And Killing Padestrians After The Car Has Stopped Moving - Year 1995
In 1995, I convinced the LAPD to ban all long handle metal flashlights within two minutes. Within two minutes, no longer can LAPD use cars as an excuse in police reports. 1992 Civil Unrest was when I put the basketball down and got involved as a community activist. When I saw Rodney King get beat down, I decided no man or woman should be beaten like that. Netflix has a video of me stopping at the height of our mad mob of citizens before breaking the window pane glasshouse doors to Parker Center LAPD Police Station.

As Chairperson, I Earned Bonuses For 700 LA County Employees. Which Is The Largest Bonus To Date Of All LA Country Departments
In the year 2000, I was appointed or elected as chairperson to the bargaining table to the largest union on the West Coast 721 SEIU. Today I, as a shop steward, represent employees as though I am a paralegal lawyer. My negotiating skills, research skills are the best. My unit is the only unit that gets a $300.00 bonus every Christmas and New Year for the life of the contract. We have been receiving this $300.00 bonus since the year 2000. The only problem is it’s not pensionable.
Unions Throughout America Emmerged On Madison, Wisconsin I Suggested We Recall All Republican State Senators That Voted To Taken Away Employee Bargaining Rights While 14 Democratic Senators Left the State
In the year 2011, the unions throughout America merged in Madison, Wisconsin. Former Governor Scott Walker took away union rights to bargain for higher salaries. At the time, I suggested we recall all Republican State Senators who voted to take away bargain rights for the working people. loved my idea, and suggested of the (8) Senators vulnerable, we only needed to recall (3). The voters of Wisconsin recalled (2). However, it stopped the bleeding into other states throughout the United States to copycat Scott Walker's proposal to take away the right to negotiate for higher salaries of the working people! And there are many more accomplishments to share.